As an alternative to Trusts, Malta offers the possibility to set up foundations. Foundations have the advantage of being a legal entity and of being a widely accepted and acknowledged concept in countries with a Roman legal system.
Foundations are created by way of a written document, including through a will, by one or more founders, where given assets, of a value equal or greater than € 1,164.69, are trusted to the administration of one or more administrators, with a given legal purpose, including charity or philanthropic purpose (Public Foundations) or for the benefit of a person or of a class of persons (Private Foundations).
In 2010, Malta enacted tax legislation specifically applicable to Foundations. In general, foundations may choose to be taxed as a company (by default) or as a Trust (by irrevocable option).
The foundations taxed as companies are treated exactly as companies with residence and domicile in Malta, being subject to 35% tax, to the full imputation system and to the tax refund regime. A distribution of profits to the beneficiaries is equalled to distribution of dividends to companies’ shareholders.
Because they can apply the participation exemption to dividends and capital gains from participating holdings, foundations are very often used as holding companies.
In case the foundation is taxed as a Trust, by meeting certain requirements, the foundation can be considered as transparent for tax purposes, which implies that no taxation in Malta exists in the cases where founders, beneficiaries and assets are not resident in Malta.
Maltese law foresees the possibility of a Foundation to be transformed into a Trust and vice-versa.
Get to know the listing of anti-abuse and autonomous taxation rules for companies based in Malta.
Safety and certainty are essential aspects when structuring international investments. In order to meet investors’ needs, it is possible to ask the Maltese tax authorities to issue an advance tax ruling that is valid for 5 years.
Non-resident companies may benefit from tax exemptions or exemptions of other taxes on dividends, interest, royalties, capital gains, long term insurance policies and other investment income. Learn more about the Payments to Non-Residents.
The legislation that applies to Stamp Duty (SD) in Malta is the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act” (DDTA). As you can see below, with the proper planning, this tax does not apply to many situations due to the various exemptions provided for by law.